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With the costs of a college education rising every year, the keys to funding your childs education are to plan early and invest shrewdly. However, there are steps you can take if you get a late start. Moreover, there are a number of effective techniques for increasing financial aid opportunities and reducing taxes. SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT STRATEGIESThe thought of funding your childs educationthe cost of which has grown at about 6% a yearcan be staggering. However, proper planning can lessen the financial squeeze considerably, especially if you start when your child is young. Here are some guidelines--geared to parents whose children are no older than elementary school age--for funding your childs education. Start Saving EarlyWe cannot emphasize enough that getting an early start is basic to funding your childs education. The earlier you start, the more youll benefit from the compounding of interest.
When should you start saving? This depends on how much you think your childrens education will cost. The best way is to start saving before they are born. The sooner you begin, the less money you will have to put away each year.
Another advantage of starting early is that youll have more flexibility when it comes to the type of investment youll use. Youll be able to put at least part of your money in equities, which, although riskier in the short-run, are better able to outpace inflation than other investments after time. Find Out How Much Youll Need To SaveHow much will your childs education cost? It depends on whether your child attends a private or state school. In the late-90s, the total expenses--tuition, fees, board, personal expenses, and books and supplies--for the average private college are about $21,000 per year and about $10,000 per year for the average public college. However, these amounts are averages: the tuition, fees, and board for some private colleges can cost more than $25,000 per year, whereas the costs for a state school can be kept under $10,000 per year.
Dont forget to add the costs of graduate or professional school to the amount your child will need.
Choose Your InvestmentsAs with any investment, you should choose those that will provide you with a good return and that meet your level of risk tolerance. The ones you choose should depend on when you start your savings planthe mix of investments if you start when your child is a toddler should be different from those used if you start when your child is age 12.
The following are often recommended as investments suitable for education funds: Series EE Bonds are extremely safe investments. For tax treatment of redemption proceeds used for college, please see the Financial Guide: HIGHER EDUCATION COSTS: How To Get The Best Tax Treatment. U.S. Government Bonds are also safe investments that offer a relatively higher return. If you use zero-coupon bonds, you can time the receipt of the proceeds to fall in the year when you need the money. A drawback of such bonds is that a sale before their maturity date could result in a loss on the investment. Further, the accrued interest is taxable even though you dont receive it until maturity. CDs are safe, but usually provide a lower return than the rate of inflation. The interest is taxable. Municipal Bonds, if they are highly rated, can provide an acceptable return from the tax-free interest if youre in the higher income tax brackets. Zero-coupon municipals can be timed to fall due when you need the funds and are useful if you begin saving later in the childs life.
Stocks contained in an appropriate mutual fund or portfolio can provide you with a higher yield at an acceptable risk level. Stock mutual funds can provide superior returns over the long term. Income and balanced funds can meet the investment needs of those who begin saving when the child is older. Deferred Annuities provide you with tax deferral, but the yield may not be acceptable because of the relatively high cost of these investments. Further, amounts withdrawn before you reach age 59-1/2 may be subject to a 10% premature withdrawal penalty.
Planning Aid: If you are planning on borrowing for your childs education, see the Financial Calculator Parent Debt Calculator to get some insight as to your capacity to take on additional debt and the Parent Loan Repayment Calculator for help in estimating your monthly repayments. |
Related FG: For further information on Equity
Loans, please see the Financial Guide: HOME
EQUITY LOANS: How To Shop For The One That's
Best For You. |
TIP: Sources of student aid and education loans should be exhausted before other types of loans are used, since the former make better sense financially. In some cases, however, a home equity loan can be advantageous because of the deductibility of interest. |
Here is a summary of the possible sources of financial aid. The types of aid and tax implications change frequently, so consult your financial advisor for specifics when youre approaching the time to seek financial aid.
Grants, the best type of financial aid because they do not have to be paid back, are amounts awarded by governments, schools, and other organizations. Some grants are need-based and others are not.
TIP: Dont assume that middle class families are ineligible for needs-based aid or loans. The assessment of whether a family qualifies as "in need" depends on the cost of the college and the size of the family. |
TIP: Try negotiating with your preferred college for additional financial aid, especially if it offers less than a comparable college. |
Loans may be need-based, and others are not. Here is a summary of loans:
Work-Study Programs. This is a program that is federally funded and based on the familys financial need. The student works on-campus and receives partly subsidized pay. The receipt of work-study funds does not affect the level of "need" for purposes of need-based grants and loans.
To make a thorough investigation, you should fill out the financial aid application, which you can obtain from the schools financial aid office. You will have to provide tax returns. The amount you are determined to be eligible for depends on your income, the size of your family, the number of family members currently attending college, and your assets.
There are a number of techniques that you can use to try to increase the amount of financial aid or to reduce tax on the income being accumulated.
Related FG: For information on Equity Loans, please see the Financial Guide: HOME EQUITY LOANS: How To Shop For The One That's Best For You |
Here are some strategies that may increase the amount of aid for which your family is eligible:
1. Try to avoid putting assets in your childs name. As a general rule, education funds should be kept in the parents names, since investments in a childs name can impact negatively on aid eligibility. For example, the rules for determining financial aid decrease the amount of aid for which a child is eligible by 35% of assets the child owns and by 50% of the childs income.
Example. If your child owns $1,000 worth of stock, the amount of aid for which he or she is eligible for is reduced by $350. On the other hand, the amount of aid is reduced by (effectively) only 5.6% of your assets and from 22 to 47% of your income. |
2. Reduce your income. Income for financial aid purposes is generally determined based upon your previous years income tax situation. Therefore, in the years immediately prior to and during college, try to reduce your taxable income. Some ways to do this include:
3. Detail your financial hardships. If you have any financial hardships, let the deciding authorities know (via the statement of financial need) exactly what they are, if they are not clear on the application. The financial aid officer may be able to assist you in explaining hardships.
4. Have your child become independent (if feasible). In this case, your income is not considered in determining how much aid your child will be eligible for. Students are considered independent if they:
As noted above, education funds should generally be kept in the parents names because of financial-aid considerations. However, in specific cases, it may be better to keep the investments in your childs name since the tax rate on the income will be less than if they are held in your name. Professional advice should be sought in making this decision.
In the past, parents would invest in the childs name in order to shift income to the lower-bracket child. However, the addition of the "kiddie tax" mostly put an end to that strategy. Now, investment income over $1,600 for 2005 (the same as for 2004) of children under the age of 14 is taxed at the parents rate. (This threshold is indexed annually for inflation.) Once the child reaches age 14, however, all income is taxed at the childs rate. Of this $1,600, one-half probably wont be taxed due to the availability of the standard deduction while the other half would be taxed at the childs rate.
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Note: These rules apply to unearned income. If a child has earned income, this amount is always taxed at the childs rate. If you decide to invest in your childs name, here are some tax strategies to consider: |
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Caution: Buying in the childs name forfeits tax relief otherwise available where bonds are redeemed to pay college expenses. |
There are also a number of tax incentives that you might be able to take advantage of. Please see the Financial Guide: HIGHER EDUCATION COSTS: How To Get The Best Tax Treatment.
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