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What To Do If
You Have A Problem |
Federal law grants consumers several rights relating to
their credit card transactions, against the card companies and in
the case of a dispute with a merchant. This Financial Guide discusses
these important rights in depth. |
Prompt Credit For
Refunds Of Credit
Resolution Of Errors
Removal Of Unauthorized
Resolution Of Disputes
Prompt Shipment
Protection Against
Offensive Junk Mail/Junk Calls
You have numerous rights related to your use of a credit card. These
include (1) prompt credit for payment, (2) refunds of credit balances,
(3) resolution of errors, (4) removal of unauthorized charges, (5) resolution
of disputes, (6) prompt shipment, (7) refusal of delivery, (8) withholding
of payment in case of dispute, (9) protection against offensive junk mail/junk
A card issuer must credit your account on the day it receives your payment,
unless the payment is not made according to the creditor's requirements
or the delay in crediting to your account does not result in a charge.

TIP: To avoid delays that could result in
finance charges, follow the card issuer's instructions about where
to send payments. Payments sent to other locations could delay getting
credit for your payment for up to five days. If you lose your payment
envelope, look on the billing statement for the address for payments
or call the card issuer. |
When you return merchandise or pay more than you owe, you have the option
of keeping the credit balance on your account or requesting a refund (if
the amount exceeds $1.00). To obtain a refund, write the card issuer.
The card issuer must send you the refund within seven business days of
receiving your request. (Also, if a credit balance remains on your account
for more than six months, the card issuer must make a good faith effort
to refund the credit balance.)
Federal law provides specific rules that the card issuer must follow
for promptly correcting billing errors. The card issuer will give you
a statement describing these rules when you open the credit card account
and, after that, at least once a year. In fact, many card issuers print
a summary of your rights on each bill they send you.
You must notify the card issuer in writing at the address specified for
billing errors when you find an error, and you must do so within 60 days
after the first bill containing the error was mailed to you. (For this
reason, keep your credit card receipts and promptly compare them when
your bills arrive.) In your notification letter, include your name, your
account number, the amount of the suspected error, and the reason why
you believe that the bill contains an error. The card issuer, in turn,
must look into the problem and either correct the error or explain to
you why the bill is correct.
This investigation must occur within two billing cycles and not later
than 90 days after the issuer receives your billing error notice. During
the period that the card issuer is investigating the error, you do not
have to pay the amount in question. (For further information, write: "Credit
Billing Errors," Public Reference, Federal Trade Commission, Washington,
D.C. 20580.)
Under federal law, if your credit card is used without your authorization,
you can be held liable for up to $50 per card. If you report the loss
before the card is used, federal law says the card issuer cannot hold
you responsible for any unauthorized charges. If a thief uses your card
before you report it missing, the most you will owe for unauthorized charges
is $50. This is true even if a thief is able to use your credit card at
an automated teller machine (ATM) to access your credit card account.
To minimize your liability, report the loss of your card as soon as possible.
Some companies have toll-free numbers printed on their statements and
24-hour service to accept such emergency information. For your own protection,
you should follow up your phone call with a letter to the card issuer.
The letter should give your card number, say when your card was missing,
and mention the date you called in the loss
If you have a problem with merchandise or services that you charged to
a credit card, and you have made a good faith effort to work out the problem
with the seller, you have the right to withhold from the card issuer payment
for the merchandise or services. You can withhold payment up to the amount
of credit outstanding for the purchase, plus any finance or related charges.
If the card you used is a bank card, a travel and entertainment card,
or another card not issued by the seller of the defective merchandise,
you can withhold payment only if the purchase exceeded $50 and occurred
in your home state or within 100 miles of your billing address.
If these conditions do not apply to you, you may want to consider filing
an action in small claims court—an informal legal proceeding that can
be used to settle disputes. While the maximum amounts that can be claimed
or awarded differ from state to state, most small claims courts hear cases
involving amounts ranging from $25 to $2,000. Some states have recently
raised their limits to $5,000. Check your local telephone book under your
municipal, county, or state government headings for small claims court
You have the right to have mail and phone order purchases shipped when
promised, or to cancel for a full and prompt refund. If no shipping date
is stated, your right to cancel begins 30 days after your order and payment
are received by the merchant. You can choose to wait longer for your order,
or cancel and get a prompt refund. If you cancel, and your order was paid
by charge or credit card, the seller has one billing cycle to tell the
card issuer to credit your account.
There are two exceptions to the 30-day shipment rule: (1) If a company
doesn't promise a shipping time, and you are applying for credit to pay
for your purchase, the company has 50 days after receiving your order
to ship. (2) Spaced deliveries, such as magazine subscriptions (except
for first shipment); items which continue until you cancel (e.g. book
or record clubs, etc.); C.O.D. (cash on delivery) orders; services; and
seeds or growing plants are not covered.
You have the right to a full refund—because of shipping delay—within seven
working days (or one billing cycle) after the seller receives your request
to cancel.
Refusal Of Delivery
You may refuse a delivery of damaged or spoiled items.
Withholding Of Payment In Case Of Dispute
You need not pay a disputed amount while your dispute is being reviewed
by the card issuer.
If you receive something C.O.D., you have the right to stop payment on
a check made out to a seller, but not one made out to the Post Office,
if there is something wrong with the order.
TIP: If you are ordering something to be
delivered by C.O.D., make your check out to the seller, not the post
office. That way, you may contact your bank and stop the check if
there is an immediate problem with merchandise. |
You may obtain a U.S. Postal Service "Prohibitory Order" on
sexually offensive mail advertisements coming to your home. You also have
the right to tell commercial telephone and direct mail marketers to stop
calling you, and to sue in Small Claims Court if they continue to call.
If you request it, the Direct Marketing Association—through its Mail or
Telephone Preference Services—will ask subscribing companies to take your
name off their lists.
Here is how to register with the Direct Marketing Association: Mail a
letter requesting removal from mailing or telemarketing lists to the two
addresses below. Include your name, address, city, state, zip code, and
phone number.
Telephone Preference Service
Direct Marketing Association
P.O. Box 9014
Farmingdale, NY 11735-9014
Mail Preference Service
Direct Marketing Association
P.O. Box 9008
Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008
If companies you now do business with also remove your name, you can
contact them directly to have your name reinstated. Keep records. If the
marketer calls again, you can sue. You may have additional legal rights
under state or local law.
TIP: If you receive unordered merchandise
in the mail, consider it a gift and be free of pressure to pay for
it. |

Provides month by month suggestions
and ideas to improve your financial life.
Related FGs
Financial Calculators
Personal Financing
Books And Other Publications
- Larry Burkett, The
Complete Guide to Managing Your Money, (Budget Book Service,
1996), ISBN 0884861325.
- Jane Bryant Quinn, Making
the Most of Your Money, (Simon & Schuster,1997), ISBN
- C. Frederic Wiegold, Editor, The
Wall Street Journal Lifetime Guide to Money, (Hyperion,
1997), ISBN 0786861320.
Government And Non-Profit Agencies
The following agencies are responsible for enforcing federal laws that
govern credit card transactions. Questions concerning a particular card
issuer should be directed to the enforcement agency responsible for that
Consumer & Community Affairs
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
20th & C Sts., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20551
Comptroller of the Currency
Compliance Management
Mail Stop 7-5
Washington, D.C. 20219
National Credit Union Administration
1776 G St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20456
Office of Consumer Programs
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
550 Seventeenth St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20429
Consumer Affairs Program
Office of Thrift Supervision
1700 G St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20552
Division of Credit Practices
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, D.C. 20580
This office covers mail fraud, sexually offensive materials, solicitations
that look like government materials but are not. If you suspect such
violations, contact your local Postmaster or Postal Inspector or:
Chief Postal Inspector
U.S. Postal Service, Room 3100
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, D.C. 20260-6444
Tel. 800- 654-8896
The Consumer Advocate
U.S. Postal Service
Washington, D.C. 20260-2200
Tel. (202) 268-2284
The Federal Trade Commission does not handle individual
complaints, but reporting failure to deliver, late delivery, unordered
merchandise, misrepresentation or fraud helps uncover widespread abuses
that the FTC might take action to stop.
Division of Enforcement
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC 20580
Tel. (202) 326-3768
The Federal Communications Commission will handle
requests for action on suspected violations of the Telephone Consumer
Protection Act, such as persistent sales calls after the seller is told
to stop.
Informal Complaints and Public Inquiries Branch
Enforcement Division
Common Carrier Bureau
FCC, Mail Stop 1600A2
Washington D.C. 20554
Mail and Telephone Preference Services should be
contacted if you wish to have your name removed from mail or telephone
lists of many companies. You may also contact the Direct Marketing Association.
Telephone Preference Service
Direct Marketing Association
P.O. Box 9014
Farmingdale, NY 11735-9014
Mail Preference Service
Direct Marketing Association
P.O. Box 9008
Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008
Low-Cost Credit Cards: Bankcard Holders of America
lists banks charging no fees and low interest rates for their conventional
credit cards. To obtain a copy of the list, write to:
Bankcard Holders of America
524 Branch Drive
Salem, VA 24153